
Promotional Techniques Samples


Promotions are the best way to present the product or idea among the customers but it is important to use right and appropriate promotion skills. With the help of right technique organisation beat the competitive business market and raise their new product or scheme. The present report is based on White Bread premier Inn Company (Boyland, Harrold and Halford, 2012). It is one of the best hotel chains in UK and recently awarded by the government for the best hospitality services. It also includes the different promotions skills and techniques and how organization uses the latest technology in their promotion activities. Further, how good brand image support into the competitive environment.

Objective of the campaign

Premier inn is famous for their hospitality services, company main motive is based on the customers' satisfaction and they full fill approximately all desires of their customers (Adiele, 2011). Whitbread objectives are based on different parameter which are explained as follows;

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Customer services- Company put their focus on to complete all the desire of customers on time and they provide all kinds of food in their restaurant (Hebden, KingKelly and Innes-Hughes, 2011). They also include the latest technology in their hotels. By this they attract the customers and maintain their brand image.

Protect environment- The second objective of the hotel is to save the environment so for this they reuse their all waste food material.

Quality- With the use of high quality product they maintain their taste and on other hand they provide the latest technology in their hotels and restaurant (Huang and Sarigöllü, 2012). By this they update their quality and raise the standard of the hotel in this competitive business world.

Promotional mix used for ‘Premier Weekend’

Premier weekend is best for the hotel industry because in this, company launch their new areas and update the latest trends and technology in the organisation. Company also used promotional marketing mix this time, for this firm use advertisement and digital marketing (Kimand Hyun, 2011). Managers of the firm make a website of the premier Inn and fill all the details of the weekend with attractive pictures. By applying, this they attract the concentration of their customers on it. The advertisement is basically based on their services and the hotel rooms. Organisation selects room prices and in the weekend time they also provide the coupons to their old customers. This weekend is totally supported by the advertisement and media like internet, TV and digital campaign (Carley, 2013). With the help of this event, company raise their profit and is also appreciated by the shareholders for the better performance in hotel industry.

Analysis of target market

Company put their target market on existing customers and buyers of the firm. The main reason behind this is old customers know the product and services of the hotel so by this they can give aright review. For the better convenience Premier Inn make a guest feedback form in their website by this, they can easily contact with their old customers (Semple, Lee and Miller, 2010). With the help of this application they raise their hotel booking by 5%. In their weekend they also target the middle class families and for them they put their room prices low as compare to other hotels. Further, Premier Inn also open a conference hall in their new hotel and target the business man. With these people organisations earn more profit because they stay only for few hours and paid the full amount of rent.

Choice of media or Select Right Media

In this developing world, company have so many choices of media but it is very important to choose right and appropriate media. So Premier Inn chose the internet and television for their promotion and he main reason behind this is internet is mostly used by youngsters and TV is viewed by large number of consumers (Seringhaus and Rosson, 2012). With the use of internet, they promote website and their upcoming plans for the hotel. Further, with the help of this, worldwide customers can easily take all the information and also book the rooms. With the use of TV, they can easily spread their message and latest schemes which are related to the hotel.

Evaluations in marketing mix

Marketing mix help the company in their strategic planning and for the services and products. It is a combination of 7 p's. In the evaluation of the marketing mix it additional contain the price, product and place which are explained as follows;

Product- The main object of the product is to fulfil all the desire of the customers. Product should be reliable and affordable by the customers. Premier inn provides different products like they offer different kinds of rooms like sweet room with bathtubs, swimming pool, remote control desk and they also provide air conditioner, hair dryer services etc (Goodall and Ashworth, 2013). In hotel line customer’s satisfaction is very important so for this they also take time to time feedback from their customers and then update it.

Price- Price should be based on current position of the hotel in the competitive market. In the promotion event organization put them prises low so by this they can easily attract the customers and after this thy raise their prices and cover up all their losses.

Place- Customers buying behaviour based on the location or place. Premier inn launched their new hotel in UK and it is the best place because people of the customers are ready to try new restaurants and hotels (Shimp and Andrews, 2013). And for the promotion and the product services they choose Saudi Arabia because it is near from the UK.

Aim and objectives of white-bread for the new hotel

White bread wants to open a new primer inn UK so for this first they have to select their aim and objectives as per their customers and services which are explained as follows:

  • The first and main objective is to serve best and unique services to the customers.
  • To provide better rooms with luxury services in medium price range.
  • In this new premier to lunch big concurrence hall.
  • To Maintain the position in the competitive business world.

Choice of target market

In this premier inn Whitbread chose the business class person for the target audience. And the main reason behind this in their new hotel they open a big conference hall as compare to the hotel it contains all the latest nanotechnology in it (Lamey, Deleersnyder and Dekimpe, 2012). Also includes Wi-Fi, video calling in each and every desk etc. so hotel want to utilise this and also want to promote this service all over the world so they put their focus on business class people. And the other reason is the price rate is higher as compare to other hotels so these people can easily afford this rate.

Promotions activities

Company firstly made a website which is based on their new hotel. In this website they put all the details of rooms, conference hall, restaurant, menu, price, services and the feedback forth. With the help of this website they attract the business class people and people also book their room by mail (Yeshin, 2012). Further, organisation use banner, online marketing, and advertisement on TV etc. it also includes the door to or promotion activity in this, they contact with their old customers and know the views on their past services. After taking the feedback company update it and create positive relationship between the customer and the company.

Plan for implementation to meet objectives

In the starting period of the organization it is quite hard to achieve all the profit. But after some time when firm established in competitive market and recognized by everyone they can easily raise their profit and cover up all the losses. Firm can meet the objectives of the campaign by following these things;

Aim for goal- If organization is ready to achieve all their work on time so they can easily achieve their goal (Boyland, Harrold and Halford, 2012). With the help of best time management, they can easily achiever their aim on time and company also put their focus on their future objectives.

Plan of action- Company should make a long term plan for their team members and for the hotel. With the long duration plan thy can easily analysis the market changer and implement on it. Long term plan is also beneficiary for the future growth.

Timing- Set all the timing for each and every activity (Adiele, 2011). As per example for the new hotel it is necessary to do a right promotion. So for this start promotion marketing before three or month. So customers recognized the new hotel.

These are the main objectives which are followed by the white bread for achieving their goals and aims (Hebden, KingKelly and Innes-Hughes, 2011). With the help of this they raise their brand image and also promote their new hotel in this competitive world.

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According to the present report it has been concluded that right promotion activities raise the business standard in the competitive business world. White-bread recently opens its new premier inn in UK and with the help of promotion activity they can easily promote their new hotel. This time hotel put their main target on business class person by this they earn more profit. With the help of promotion techniques White bread promote their new hotel in all over the world.


  • Adiele, C., 2011. Towards promoting interactivity in a B2B web community. Information Systems Frontiers. 13(2). pp.237-249.
  • Boyland, E. J., Harrold, J. A. and Halford, J.C., 2012. Persuasive techniques used in television advertisements to market foods to UK children. Appetite. 58(2). pp.658-664.
  • Carley, M., 2013. Rational Techniques in Policy Analysis: Policy Studies Institute. Elsevier.
  • Goodall, B. and Ashworth, G., 2013. Marketing in the Tourism Industry (RLE Tourism): The Promotion of Destination Regions. Routledge.
  • Hebden, L., King, L., Kelly, B., Chapman, K. and Innes-Hughes, C., 2011. A menagerie of promotional characters: promoting food to children through food packaging. Journal of nutrition education and behavior. 43(5). pp.349-355.
  • Huang, R. and Sarigöllü, E., 2012. How brand awareness relates to market outcome, brand equity, and the marketing mix. Journal of Business Research. 65(1). pp.92-99.
  • Kim, J. H. and Hyun, Y. J., 2011. A model to investigate the influence of marketing-mix efforts and corporate image on brand equity in the IT software sector. Industrial Marketing Management. 40(3). pp.424-438.
  • Lamey, L., Deleersnyder, B. and Dekimpe, M. G., 2012. The effect of business-cycle fluctuations on private-label share: what has marketing conduct got to do with it?. Journal of Marketing. 76(1). pp.1-19.
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